International Academy for Professional Development Ltd
in partnership with the Centre for Coaching & Centre for Stress Management
All courses are now delivered using the zoom virtual platform

Advanced Certificate in Cognitive Behavioural Therapies and Stress Management
The Advanced Certificate programme consists of a combination of the Certificate in Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy and Certificate in Stress Management courses. This modular programme is designed to be flexible thereby allowing health professionals to fit the courses around their work schedules. The programme can be undertaken over a period of time from 6 to 18 months. Courses are run by the Centre's Faculty of Cognitive Behavioural & Rational Emotive Therapy.
To provide the theory and practice of cognitive-behavioural therapies (CBT) and stress management.
All of the objectives shown for the component courses are objectives for this course.
The course is suitable for counsellors, counselling/health/clinical psychologists, psychotherapists, and other health and caring professionals who wish to learn more about cognitive-behavioural approaches to counselling and psychotherapy.
The Enrolment and administration fee for this Advanced Certificate programme is £100.
There is additional course reading and the submission of two book reviews.
The course team are Professor Stephen Palmer PhD CPsychol, Dr Siobhain O’Riordan PhD CPsychol, Kasia Szymanska MSc CPsychol and Nick Edgerton MSc CPsychol.
The extended programmes run by The Centre are recognised by the Association for Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy. The Centre's course modules are approved by the British Psychological Society Learning Centre for the purposes of Continuing Professional Development (CPD). The Centre and its Faculties are International Society for Coaching Psychology Approved Centres.
Course dates and fees Application form
On successful completion of the programme the alumni can use the post nominal letters:
Adv Cert CBT & SM
In the section below we have summarised the two certificate programmes that form the Advanced Certificate programme.
This is a modular 5-day course. Students must attend and pass both modules below:
a) Primary Certificate in Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy and Training
b) Primary Certificate in Advanced Cognitive-Behavioural Skills
This foundation programme is specifically for health and caring professionals who wish to attend a short course to gain insight into the theory and practice of Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy.
To provide the theory and practice of Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy.
All of the objectives for the component courses are objectives for this course.
A certificate is awarded to participants who successfully complete the modules and the assignments undertaken at home for each module. There is additional course reading and the submission of two CBT book reviews. There is an enrolment, administration and certification fee of £75.
The Course trainers include Professor Stephen Palmer, Nick Edgerton and Kasia Szymanska.
This is a modular 6-day course. Students must attend Module a) plus two additional modules as below (details elsewhere on this website):
a) Primary Certificate in Stress Management (2 days) or Primary Certificate in Occupational and Organisational Stress Management
b) Primary Certificate in Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy and Counselling
c) Primary Certificate in Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy and Training*
d) Primary Certificate in Problem Focused Counselling, Coaching and Training
e) Primary Certificate in Health and Wellbeing Cognitive Behavioural Coaching
f) Primary Certificate in Assertion and Communication Skills Training
h) Primary Certificate in Multimodal Therapy and Counselling#
* For students on the Advanced Certificate programme also undertaking the Foundation Certificate (1 or 2) or Certificate in Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy programme, modules b and c above cannot be used towards this Certificate in Stress Management programme.
# The Multimodal Therapy course is only offered on an occasional basis subject to demand.
To develop knowledge about the nature of stress, its management and prevention.
All of the objectives for the component courses are objectives for this course.
A certificate is awarded to participants who successfully complete the course and the assignment completed at home. There is an administration and certification fee of £35.
The course team are Professor Stephen Palmer PhD CPsychol, Dr Siobhain O’Riordan PhD CPsychol, Kasia Szymanska MSc CPsychol and Nick Edgerton MSc CPsychol.