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International Academy for Professional Development Ltd
in partnership with the Centre for Coaching & Centre for Stress Management
All courses are now delivered using the zoom virtual platform

Blended and Distance Learning
The Co-Director of the Distance Learning Programme at the Centre is Kasia Szymanska, a Chartered Psychologist. Due to a variety of commitments many potential course participants are unable to attend formal courses at the Centres or International Academy. We have developed distance and blended learning programmes to help people in this position to learn more about coaching, stress management, therapy and other areas.
The Life Coaching and Stress Management distance learning courses focus on providing information about the topics and also personal development. They are not designed to train the participants to practise on other individuals. However, the courses may provide a useful insight into coaching and stress management. Some experienced professionals may be able to integrate what is learnt into their normal practice. The tutors who mark the assignments are experienced and qualified practitioners.
•Life Coaching: A Cognitive Behavioural Approach
•Stress Management
The International Academy for Professional Development offer two approved professional development self-directed courses, particularly suitable for students around the world. The first is suitable for individuals who already have considerable coaching training and experience and wish to proceed direct to one of our blended learning Diplomas following completion of this Certificate and the second programme is suitable for professionals wishing to undertake self-directed Continuing Professional Development and Education (CPDE) under academic supervision:
Certificate in Professional Development (Specialist Topic)
Certificate in Work-Based Professional Development (Specialist Topic)
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