International Academy for Professional Development Ltd
in partnership with the Centre for Coaching & Centre for Stress Management
All courses are now delivered using the zoom virtual platform

New CANIE Accord Signatory

Press Release
The International Academy for Professional Development Ltd Deepens Commitment to Climate Action
On 30th January 2024, the International Academy for Professional Development Ltd (IAFPD) has become a Signatory to the CANIE Accord, a public commitment to climate action that was developed in consultation with leaders from international education peak bodies, associations, higher education institutions, university networks, media, national governments, corporations, supranational bodies, scholarship bodies, and more. The CANIE Accord, and accompanying Glasgow Paper, represent the international education sector’s climate ambitions and commitment to align with scientific recommendations and global climate agreements. By becoming a Signatory to the CANIE Accord, the International Academy for Professional Development Ltd is strengthening and accelerating the international education sector’s collective response to the climate crisis.
Dr Stephen Palmer PhD, the Director of the IAFPD stated "As a worldwide distance-learning training faculty, the International Academy for Professional Development Ltd and its affiliated centres are proud to pledge our commitment to the CANIE Accord. This step forward aligns with our core values of fostering sustainable development and climate responsibility across international education platforms. By joining forces with CANIE, we aim to integrate climate action into our day-to-day management and delivery of our training programmes, ensuring that our academy not only contributes to but encourages others to tackle climate change. Our engagement with CANIE allows us to adopt best practices in environmental sustainability and to encourage our community to actively participate in meaningful climate action that promotes social justice and a healthier planet for all."
The Climate Action Network for International Educators (CANIE) is a volunteer grassroots initiative formed by international education practitioners from around the world who see the need and opportunity for the sector to take bold climate action. Through open-access resources, specialized events, networking and information sharing, CANIE aims to mobilize the full power of the international education community to address our contribution to the climate crisis.
‘’I applaud the International Academy for Professional Development on showing such leadership in our sector’s transition to more climate-conscious operations,” said CANIE co-founder and President of the Board, Ailsa Lamont. “By signing up to the CANIE Accord, international education leaders commit to real, practical action to combat global temperature rise and, crucially, to doing so in a way that is grounded in social justice.’’
CANIE activities include Climate Action Week, a global summit held annually in November in conjunction with the United Nations global climate talks. CANIE’s robust network of volunteers also work to address the disproportionate impacts of the climate crisis through an active Climate Justice working group, they produce the informative CANIE Climate Dialogues podcast, Climate Action Catalyst Newsletter, and curate an open-access resource library.
About the Climate Action Network for International Educators (CANIE)
CANIE is a catalyst for climate action in the international education sector that concentrates efforts on action-oriented advocacy, education, and connection. For more information, visit www.canie.org. Follow CANIE on Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Facebook. Hashtag: #CANIEaccord
About the International Academy for Professional Development Ltd
The International Academy for Professional Development Ltd and affiliated Centres are training providers of a range of courses including stress management, health and wellbeing, counselling, coaching and coaching psychology programmes. The Academy is an Institute of Leadership Approved Centre, Institutional Member of the Association for Learning Development in Higher Education, and is a member of the European Association for Distance Learning. Follow IAFPD on Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Facebook. Website: https://www.iafpd.com
Signatory Date: Jan 30, 2024