International Academy for Professional Development Ltd
in partnership with the Centre for Coaching & Centre for Stress Management
All courses are now delivered using the zoom virtual platform

Primary Certificate in Coaching Supervision
Are you considering offering a coaching supervision service? You are an experienced coach and you have already started supervising coaches but have not attended a training programme yet. This course provides an introduction to supervision practice.
Coaches have been turning to supervision to help maximise effective performance, enhance skill development and to gain assistance with handling coaching dilemmas and coaching dynamics. A number of professional coaching bodies such as the Association for Coaching and the International Society for Coaching Psychology have all supported the need for a quality control element in coaching together with the need for supporting individual coaches.
Many coaches and organisations are already taking part in a range of coaching supervision options - whether these are of a formal or informal nature. As companies look to ways of ensuring value for money it is likely that coaching supervision will become even more widespread. Although there are trained counselling supervisors there are very few trained coaching supervisors. For many coaches who have been successfully operating coaching practices Coaching Supervision provides the opportunity of developing new skills and a new income stream. This course offers an opportunity to receive:
• Theoretical input
• Skills practice
• Opportunity to supervise others
• Opportunity to learn how to get the most as coaching supervisees
NB Although this course is designed for experienced coaches, this course is unsuitable for experienced coaching supervisors. (This course is not suitable for inexperienced coaches.)
To become knowledgeable about coaching supervision.
• Understand the nature of coaching supervision
• Recognise differences between coaching supervision and therapeutic supervision
• Become aware of different types of supervision (managerial, consultative, etc.)
• Recognise different models of supervision
• Understand key skills of supervision
• Consider supervisor competencies
• Recognise the importance of different learning styles
• Become knowledgeable in supervision administration
• Practise supervision skills
The trainer is Dr Siobhain O’Riordan or Prof Stephen Palmer