International Academy for Professional Development Ltd
in partnership with the Centre for Coaching & Centre for Stress Management
All courses are now delivered using the zoom virtual platform

Certificated Distance Learning Course
Stress Management
The Director of the Centre for Coaching, Professor Stephen Palmer, in association with Professor Cary Cooper co-authored a book, How to Deal with Stress. Due to its success the book will be in its third edition in 2013. People who are unable to attend the courses at the Centre for Coaching or Centre for Stress Management may still wish to undertake a distance learning course in stress management based on this popular book. This course focuses on personal development and it is not designed to qualify participants as stress management consultants or coaches.
Once enrolled onto the programme the student receives the book about stress and its management and a series of practical self-help exercises. A list of the assignments is provided. An additional reading list is supplied for students who wish to study the subject in greater depth.
• to clarify what you mean by stress
• to identify what causes stress
• to explore ways of coping with stress more effectively
• to try out some techniques for coping with stress
• to take responsibility for your own learning
The course includes: the causes and symptoms of stress; thinking skills; relaxation and health; assertion; time management.
The course is suitable for the layperson, coaches, trainers, counsellors, psychologists, personnel staff, managers, management consultants, complementary health practitioners, health and caring professionals who wish to learn more about stress and its management. It may also offer an individual the opportunity to learn more about stress management before enrolling on a course based training programme at the Centre for Stress Management.
This course is available to overseas students. However, all materials are written in English. Assignments will only be marked if they are submitted in English. There is an additional fee for postage. However, assignments can be submitted by email to tutors.
A certificate of CPD is awarded to participants who successfully complete the five marked assignments which are undertaken at home. After enrolling on the programme, allowing for the marking of assignments, the course can be completed in under six months. However, students are given up to 12 months to complete the course. Please note that assignments are not marked during your tutor’s holiday period.