International Academy for Professional Development Ltd
in partnership with the Centre for Coaching & Centre for Stress Management
All courses are now delivered using the zoom virtual platform

International Society for Coaching Psychology (ISCP) is an international professional membership body established to further the discipline and profession of coaching psychology. With the growing interest in coaching psychology around the world, the International Society for Coaching Psychology encourages the development of the theory, research and practice in coaching psychology and it supports coaching psychologists in their work.
The Society offers an Approval System for Centres and also has a Recognition System for Course/Workshop providers offering CPD/E in coaching psychology. The Centre for Coaching, International Academy for Professional Development Ltd has International Society for Coaching Psychology Approved Centre Status, therefore all of our courses and workshops are recognised and approved. The
The International Society for Coaching Psychology has reciprocal agreements with other professional bodies. Currently it has Memorandum of Understandings (MOU) with SIOPSA, IGCCG , the Society for Coaching Psychology Italy (SCPI), the Israel Association for Coaching Psychology (IACP), Col·legi Oficial de Psicòlegs de Catalunya (COPC), Coachande Psykologer (Sweden), the NZ CPSIG (New Zealand), the Society of Consulting Psychology (Division 13, APA).