International Academy for Professional Development Ltd
in partnership with the Centre for Coaching & Centre for Stress Management
All courses are now delivered using the zoom virtual platform

Primary Certificate & CPD Courses/modules
A Primary Certificate programme is usually of 2-days duration. A Primary Certificate of Achievement is only awarded to Learners who submit a Post Programme Review (PPR) undertaken after the programme within 42 days. However, if a Learner does not wish to undertake the PPR, then they will still obtain a CPD Certificate of Attendance for their CPD logbooks if they have had a 90% attendance rate. (There are normally reduced fees for CPD attendance of programmes only.)
These programmes are recognised by the International Society for Coaching Psychology.
Do note that a couple of programmes are only run in-house for organisations.

This two-day course includes the theory of stress and its management. The course takes a multimodal cognitive-behavioural approach to stress management and is based on current research and practice. Some of the topics included are individual and organisational symptoms of stress, thinking errors and thinking skills, stress mapping, stability zones, relaxation techniques, biofeedback, pressure and stress, lifestyle management, physical outlets, management of the personal work environment, Type A behaviour, locus of control, time management, coping strategies at work and home. The application of theory to practice in different settings, e.g. coaching, counselling, health education, individual and group training, and management will be covered. A book, manual, handouts and biodots are provided. A number of questionnaires will need completing at the end of the first day of the course.
• to become knowledgeable about the nature of stress, its management and prevention
• be able to apply this knowledge to recognise stress in self, others and organisations
• to become knowledgeable about a multimodal cognitive-behavioural approach to stress management based on current practice and its application to different settings
• define stress and understand how it differs from pressure
• have a working understanding of modern models of stress including the multimodal-transactional model, the cognitive ABCDE model and an organisational model
• understand the psychophysiology of stress
• identify the main physical, psychological and behavioural symptoms of stress in self and others
• examine primary, secondary and tertiary stress management interventions at the individual and organisational levels
• recognise thinking errors and performance interfering thoughts and develop coaching, training or counselling thinking skills to help individuals modify these beliefs
• develop a range of strategies and techniques to tackle stress, including Type A modification, relaxation skills, lifestyle management, biofeedback, stress mapping
• understand Type A behaviour and Locus of Control constructs
• recognise the organisational symptoms of stress and identify what strategies can be undertaken to prevent and manage stress at work
The trainer is Professor Stephen Palmer, Siobhain O’Riordan or Nick Edgerton.
This 2-day course includes the theory of stress and its management with specific reference to occupational and organisational settings. The course is based on current research and practice. Some of the topics included are individual and organisational symptoms of stress, primary/secondary/tertiary interventions, stress auditing, HSE stress risk assessment, thinking errors and thinking skills, stability zones, pressure and stress, management of the personal work environment, Type A behaviour, locus of control, factors intrinsic to the job, career development, structure and climate, relationships, legal issues, role conflict and ambiguity, time management and coping strategies. A book, manual and handouts are provided. A number of questionnaires will need completing at the end of the first day of the course. As some of the content in this course overlaps with the Primary Certificate in Stress Management, we do not recommend students to do both.
• To become knowledgeable about the nature of stress, its management and prevention
• Be able to apply this knowledge in the workplace to recognise stress in self, employees and the organisation
• Define stress and understand how it differs from pressure
• Have a working understanding of modern models of stress
• Identify the main physical, psychological and behavioural symptoms of stress in self and others
• Examine primary, secondary and tertiary stress management interventions at the individual and organisational levels
• Develop a range of strategies and techniques to tackle stress at work and home including thinking skills, coaching skills and Type A modification
• Understand Type A behaviour, Locus of Control and Coping Strategies
• Examine a number of relevant legal cases
• Recognise organisational symptoms of stress
• Examine the HSE guidelines and guide for employees
• Understand the HSE stress risk assessment
• Be aware of the main sources of occupational and organisational stress
• Identify what managers, health professionals and trainers can do to prevent and manage stress at work
• Develop a personal stress management action plan, if appropriate
The trainer is Prof Stephen Palmer, Dr Siobhain O’Riordan or Nick Edgerton.
This intensive two-day course based workshop covers the theory and practice of performance coaching applied to work and personal contexts. It takes a cognitive behavioural approach. Participants will have the opportunity to practise coaching skills and techniques in small group work. Some of the topics included are the structure of a performance coaching session, assessing current performance, awareness and taking responsibility, reducing interference, overcoming psychological blocks, the coach as a catalyst, goal setting and goal theory, eliminating the discrepancy between actual and desired performance, competence, developing performance confidence, performance as a measure of behaviour, overcoming the perils of perfectionism, performance enhancing thoughts, performance improvement plans, tackling troublesome thoughts, keeping focused. Handouts and a manual are provided. For the purposes of skills training, participants should be prepared to discuss one problem in small group work. Suitable for coaches, managers, personnel staff, trainers and counsellors. Normal rules of confidentiality apply.
To provide participants with a range of performance coaching skills.
• gain competence in carrying out an assessment of a person’s current performance
• identify and tackle blocks to improving current performance
• develop collaboratively a performance improvement plan
• understand what steps will be needed to maintain performance once it has improved
• troubleshoot obstacles to improving and/or maintaining performance
The trainer is Nick Edgerton, Dr Siobhain O’Riordan or Professor Stephen Palmer.
This two-day workshop is based upon the problem solving approaches e.g. Palmer (1994), Wasik (1984) Palmer and Burton (1996), Milner and Palmer (1998). It includes the seven-step cognitive behavioural and solution focused PRACTICE model sequence (Palmer, 2011): problem identification, realistic goal development, alternatives generated, consideration of consequences, target most feasible solution, implementation of chosen solution, and evaluation. For the purposes of skills training, participants should be prepared to discuss two personal problems in small group work. Normal rules of confidentiality apply.
To provide participants with an introduction to the theory and practice of problem solving within counselling and coaching settings.
• develop an understanding of and gain practice in using the seven-step PRACTICE model and two coaching models
• practise applying the models step by step to current problems
• practise using the techniques associated with problem solving
• distinguish between problem interfering thoughts (PITS) and problem enhancing thoughts (PETS)
• understand the differences between counselling and coaching
The trainer is Kasia Szymanska, Nick Edgerton or Professor Stephen Palmer.
This two-day workshop focuses on the theory and practice of assertion and communications skills. The course takes a cognitive behavioural approach. There will be an emphasis on skills practise and course participants will be given opportunity to practise assertion and communication skills, step by step. Assertion skills such as negative feelings assertion, fogging, workable compromise and setting clear boundaries will be covered. Communication skills such as sending and receiving skills will be included. The use of assertion and communications skills in coaching, counselling and stress and time management training will also be discussed.
To provide a practical understanding of those skills associated with assertiveness training and how these skills can be used to aid the communication process.
By the end of the course delegates will:
• have an understanding of the differing personality types associated with assertiveness training, viewed through the SPACE model
• be able to identify individual behaviour patterns
• have had the opportunity to practise a range of assertiveness techniques
• have had the opportunity of discussing personal concerns
• have developed an Action Plan to consolidate learning and future training needs
The trainer is Nick Edgerton or Dr Siobhain O’Riordan.
This intensive two-day course based workshop covers the theory and practice of developing psychological resilience. Participants will have the opportunity to practise skills and techniques in small group work. Topics include essential characteristics of a resilient personality, managing hardship, steering through daily difficulties, bouncing back from adversity, reaching out to new opportunities, developing resilience, building strengths rather than repairing weaknesses, distinguishing between resilience inducing beliefs (RIBs) and resilience undermining beliefs (RUBs). Handouts and a manual are provided. For the purposes of skills training, participants should be prepared to discuss one problem in small group work. Suitable for coaches, managers, personnel staff, trainers and counsellors. Normal rules of confidentiality apply.
To provide an introduction to the concept of psychological resilience and how such an outlook can be developed/strengthened.
• Examine some of the characteristics associated with resilience
• Consider some of the myths of resilience
• Identify some of the ideas that undermine resilience building
• Discuss the views of various writers on resilience
• Pinpoint areas where a poor coping response prevails
• Identify core beliefs which are a source of psychological vulnerability
The trainer is Michael Neenan, Dr Siobhain O’Riordan or Prof Stephen Palmer. This course is currently only available for in-house training.
This course is only offered externally
This is an intensive two-day course in counselling skills based on the developmental skills model of Gerard Egan, with its three-stage framework of exploration, understanding and action, which can be used effectively in different work contexts. The course is run in association with the Centre for Stress Management. See their training programme for details.
Given the current economic climate, this course covers the coaching and counselling skills required to help deal with and manage redundancy within a team or company or support your clients to manage this difficult reality. This 2-day workshop is designed to help manager and HR professionals to deal with difficult times within their organisations. This course is also aimed at coaches and counsellors who want to improve their skills in this area.
NB. This is an introductory to intermediate Level 5 programme and may not be suitable for experienced coaches and counsellors.
To provide an overview of the effects of redundancy on individuals and to develop skills and strategies drawn from coaching and counselling.
• Review the importance of work for individuals
• Understand the effects of redundancy on individuals
• Develop relevant coaching and counselling skills and strategies to help individuals facing redundancy
• Develop skills from cognitive behavioural coaching (CBC) and cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) to help alleviate the more serious negative effects of redundancy such as depression and loss of self-esteem and confidence
• Develop processing skills to respond to both the positive and negative personal and emotional reactions to redundancy
• Take stock: evaluate the possibilities in the context of change and new circumstances
• Move forward: explore new goals and pathways
The trainer is Nick Edgerton, Dr Siobhain O’Riordan or Prof Stephen Palmer.
Health and wellbeing coaching has become an established area of practice in the UK, Australia and USA. Health coaching has even been offered as a free service within some Primary Care Trusts in the UK. Professional bodies such as the Association for Coaching recognise health coaching as a specialism.
Cognitive behavioural health coaching can help with behaviour change, enhance health goal achievement and also assist in relapse prevention. Course participants will have the opportunity to practise health and wellbeing coaching skills and techniques in pair work or triads. Pre-course reading includes Improving Health: Changing Behaviour, the NHS Health Trainer Handbook. This provides a basic understanding of some of the key health related issues and introduces the behavioural and educational approach to changing health behaviour. The Centre also provides articles on health coaching, relaxation, imagery techniques and the life stage model focusing on physical health factors. The behavioural and cognitive-behavioural approach will provide a framework and underpin the psychological model of health and wellbeing coaching. The course is recognised by the International Society for Coaching Psychology as providing CPD/CPE for its Members.
To become knowledgeable about health and wellbeing coaching
This skills based workshop will help participants to:
• define health and wellbeing coaching
• define health education and wellbeing
• consider the theory, research and practice of health and wellbeing coaching and training
• consider what mediums can be used to deliver health coaching
• become knowledgeable of the structure of a health and wellbeing coaching session
• goal setting and SMART goals in health and wellbeing coaching
• become more knowledgeable about Motivational Interviewing, RULE, OARS and useful questions
• become knowledgeable the Transtheoretical Model of Change, and the Life Stage model focusing on physical health factors
• understand cognitive-behavioural and multimodal frameworks in developing an individual health coaching programme
• become knowledgeable about environmental influences in health and how to develop Health Enhancing Behaviours (HEBs) and Lifestyle
• become knowledgeable about Health Inhibiting Thinking (HITs) and Health Enhancing Thinking (HETs)
• practise eliciting HITs and developing HETs
• gain practice in using the 2 and 5 column HETs form
• become knowledgeable about a range of cognitive, behavioural and imaginal techniques for use within health and wellbeing coaching including anti-craving imagery and over-consumption imagery
• understand the use of Socratic dialogue in health coaching
• become knowledgeable about a range of relaxation techniques including relaxation imagery, the Multimodal Relaxation Method and the Benson Relaxation Technique
• understand and tackle the environment, cognitions, emotions and behaviours that may lead to lapse (relapse)
• consider how you may integrate health coaching within your coaching or counselling practice
• reflect upon supervision requirements for health and wellbeing coaching
A Centre and Academy certificate is awarded to participants who successfully complete the course and the written assignment.
The trainers are Professor Stephen Palmer PhD CPsychol FIHPE (Hon) or Dr Siobhain O’Riordan PhD CPsychol MIHPE. Both are Chartered Psychologists, members of the Institute of Health Promotion & Education (IHPE), and are ISCP Accredited Coaching Psychologists. They both edit professional and academic coaching psychology journals.
Coaches have been turning to supervision to help maximise effective performance, enhance skill development and to gain assistance with handling coaching dilemmas and coaching dynamics.
A number of professional coaching bodies such as the Association for Coaching and the International Society for Coaching Psychology have all supported the need for a quality control element in coaching together with the need for supporting individual coaches.
Many coaches and organisations are already taking part in a range of coaching supervision options - whether these are of a formal or informal nature. As companies look to ways of ensuring value for money it is likely that coaching supervision will become even more widespread. Although there are trained counselling supervisors there are very few trained coaching supervisors. For many coaches who have been successfully operating coaching practices Coaching Supervision provides the opportunity of developing new skills and a new income stream. This course offers an opportunity to receive:
• Theoretical input
• Skills practice
• Opportunity to supervise others
• Opportunity to learn how to get the most as coaching supervisees
NB This Level 5 course is not suitable for experienced coaching supervisors.
To become knowledgeable about coaching supervision.
• Understand the nature of coaching supervision
• Recognise differences between coaching supervision and therapeutic supervision
• Become aware of different types of supervision (managerial, consultative, etc.)
• Recognise different models of supervision
• Understand key skills of supervision
• Consider supervisor competencies
• Recognise the importance of different learning styles
• Become knowledgeable in supervision administration
• Practise supervision skills
The trainer is Dr Siobhain O’Riordan or Prof Stephen Palmer
Coaches and Coaching Psychologists have been turning to supervision to help maximise effective performance, enhance skill development and to gain assistance with handling coaching dilemmas and coaching dynamics.
A number of professional coaching psychology groups such as the BPS Special Group in Coaching Psychology (SGCP) and the International Society for Coaching Psychology have all supported the need for a quality control element in coaching and coaching psychology, together with the need for supporting individual coaches and psychologists.
This course offers an opportunity to receive:
• Theoretical input
• Skills practice
• Opportunity to supervise others
• Opportunity to learn how to get the most as coaching or coaching psychology supervisees
NB This Level 5 course is not suitable for experienced coaching psychology supervisors.
To become knowledgeable about coaching and coaching psychology supervision.
• Understand the nature of coaching and coaching psychology supervision
• Recognise differences between coaching supervision and therapeutic supervision
• Become aware of different types of supervision (managerial, consultative, etc.)
• Recognise different models of supervision
• Understand key skills of supervision
• Consider supervisor competencies
• Recognise the importance of different learning styles
• Become knowledgeable in supervision administration
• Practise supervision skills
The trainer is Dr Siobhain O’Riordan or Prof Stephen Palmer who are both International Society for Coaching Psychology Accredited Coaching Psychology Supervisors.
This course is only offered externally
The course is run in association with the Centre for Stress Management. See their training programme for details.
To become knowledgeable about cognitive-behavioural coaching and its application to goal achievement, enhancing performance, managing stress and improving psychological resilience
This 2-day course will help participants to:
• gain knowledge of the theory and practice of cognitive behavioural and rational emotive coaching
• understand when to use cognitive behavioural coaching
• undertake a brief dual systems cognitive behavioural assessment
• undertake an assessment for psychological blocks
• understand procrastination from a cognitive-behavioural perspective
• develop cognitive coaching skills to enhance performance, improve psychological resilience and manage stress
• practise key cognitive behavioural coaching strategies and techniques
The trainer is Prof Stephen Palmer or Dr Siobhain O’Riordan.
Course run for in-house training and on an occasional basis at the Centre.
This intensive 2-day mediation training skills course offers an effective framework for dealing with conflict and disputes both in the workplace and other settings. It uses a positive problem solving and solution seeking approach.
The course includes team role plays, feedback and debriefing. It covers why and when to mediate, qualities and attitudes of a mediator, definition of mediation, structures to provide ways to communicate constructively, opening statements, agenda setting, confidentiality, importance of impartiality and neutrality, a range of mediator skills, use of side meetings, exploring solutions, resolution offers, avoiding collusion and other pitfalls, moving from the past to the future, dealing with strong emotions, overcoming power imbalances, writing up agreements, arranging and conducting reviews.
Mediation can be used to resolve interpersonal staff conflicts at work, in neighbourhoods and communities. Mediation allows for a greater range of solutions and options for those in dispute and, where appropriate, on rebuilding relationships. It focuses on the future and uses a collaborative problem solving approach to achieve a win/win situation acceptable to all. Participants will gain these valuable skills whilst learning in a safe and supportive setting.
• To gain core skills in mediation
• To gain skills to examine reasons for conflict
• To identify information needed to develop fair solutions
• To understand your own conflict management style
• To practise the skills of identifying key issues, assessing positions and testing out solutions
• To understand the importance of neutrality, impartiality and confidentiality
• To apply the principles, process and practical applications of mediation
• To practise how to set up and manage a structured mediation
The trainer is Elizabeth Doggart who is an Accredited Mediator or Keith Chadwick MSc.