International Academy for Professional Development Ltd
in partnership with the Centre for Coaching & Centre for Stress Management
All courses are now delivered using the zoom virtual platform

IAFPD Primary Certificate in Problem Focused Counselling, Coaching and Training
The Primary Certificate in Problem Focused Counselling, Coaching and Training is a module on the International Society for Coaching Psychology recognised Certificate in Stress Management and Performance Coaching programme. It forms part of the Association for Coaching Accredited Advanced Diploma in Coaching programme. It is a British Psychological Society Learning Centre Approved Course.
This 2-day course also forms part of the TILM Approved Development Programme, Foundation Coaching Development Programme and the Advanced Coaching Development programmes. It forms part of the Association for Coaching Accredited Advanced Diploma in Coaching programme.
This two-day workshop is based upon the problem solving approaches e.g. Palmer (1994), Wasik (1984) Palmer and Burton (1996), Milner and Palmer (1998). It includes the seven-step cognitive behavioural and solution focused PRACTICE model sequence (Palmer, 2011): Problem identification, Realistic goal development, Alternatives generated, Consideration of consequences, Target most feasible solution, Implementation of Chosen solution, and Evaluation.
For the purposes of skills training, participants should be prepared to discuss two personal issues or problems in small group work. Normal rules of confidentiality apply.
To provide participants with an introduction to the theory and practice of problem solving within counselling and coaching settings.
• develop an understanding of and gain practice in using the seven-step PRACTICE model and two coaching models
• practise applying the models step by step to current problems
• practise using the techniques associated with problem solving
• distinguish between problem interfering thoughts (PITS) and problem enhancing thoughts (PETS)
• understand the differences between counselling and coaching
The trainer is Nick Edgerton or Professor Stephen Palmer.