International Academy for Professional Development Ltd
in partnership with the Centre for Coaching & Centre for Stress Management
All courses are now delivered using the zoom virtual platform

Using self-acceptance techniques to tackle self-esteem issues in the coaching context: a cognitive behavioural approach
Recently there has been a growing interest in self-acceptance in contrast to self-esteem. Often in coaching or counselling enhancing self-esteem can sometimes lead to future problems when the person fails to achieve or maintain their life goals. Whereas enhanced self-acceptance does not depend upon achievement or other attributes.
Workshop participants will have the opportunity to practise using self-acceptance techniques in pair work or triads. The approach is based on the published works of Lazarus, Ellis, Dryden, Wilding and Palmer. The workshop is recognised by the International Society for Coaching Psychology as providing CPD/CPE for its Members.
• To provide an introduction to the application of self-acceptance techniques within coaching context to tackle problems relating to self-esteem
This skills based workshop will help participants to:
- briefly consider the concept of self-esteem from the client's or coachee’s perspective
- consider the ups and downs of self-esteem
- understand the hierarchical organisation of thinking from a cognitive behavioural perspective and the link with self-downing beliefs and esteem
- consider the advantages and disadvantages of enhancing self-esteem in traditional the Western manner – the self-esteem myth
- understand the link between perfectionism, procrastination and the lack of self-acceptance
- become knowledgeable about self- and other-acceptance as an alternative concept to the traditional self-esteem concept
- understand the significance of the illogical Part – Whole Error and the alternative option
- practise the ABCDEF model of coaching in relation to enhancing self-acceptance using 5 column acceptance coaching worksheets
- practise a range of creative self-acceptance enhancing techniques that can be used within coaching and group settings including the Big I little i technique and rational tennis
- understand the nature of self-acceptance beliefs and the 10 Steps to self-acceptance
Trainer: Prof Stephen Palmer PhD CPsychol
Stephen's co-authored books on self-esteem include: Zero to hero (with Wilding), Beat self-esteem with CBT (with Wilding) and Boost your self-esteem (with Wilding).