International Academy for Professional Development Ltd
in partnership with the Centre for Coaching & Centre for Stress Management
All courses are now delivered using the zoom virtual platform

Using Zoom: Education Platform
The Academy and affiliated Centres use Zoom for our blended and distance learning virtual training platform. Zoom has powerful collaboration tools, including video breakout rooms, multi-sharing, polling, group lectures and meeting facilities.
When using zoom, our trainers and Learners will be able to see and speak to each other in real time, subject to their computers, tablets, iPads or mobile phones having working or activated cameras and microphones. Zoom uses a low bandwidth although a good broadband speed would be beneficial.
The trainer will be able to share their course or programme PowerPoint presentation with the Learners attending a training session. Learners will be able to interact and ask questions and share insights with each other.
Learners will be able to hold discussions or undertake pair-work exercises in confidential breakout rooms with the trainer visiting each room to assist in skills practice or discussion.